On D.tube you can vote for your preferred leader. In fact, you have 5 votes that you can use, but how you can use your vote at its best? How does it work?
First, let’s see the reel leader list and you can find it on the block explorer at https://avalonblocks.com/#/leaders. You will see a list like this:
You have to remember that ONLY the first 15 first leaders are the ones who will keep the platform alive and their benefits are to be able to mine DTC and have an accelerated VP generation.
That said, you also need to know that you can strategically vote for a desired leader but also vote for an undesired leader. To vote for a desired leader is very easy. Just vote for him or her. But what can you do if you don’t want to see a leader on that list? What will be the impact?
As I said, if a leader is at 16 positions and more, his or her node will stop mining DTC, no more weight for d.tube proposals and the VP generation will slow down drastically.
What you can do?
Remember that a leader’s vote is based on your DTC wallet, so if you are alone and you don’t have much DTC, this will be very difficult to achieve. And, as you have 5 votes, your stake weight will be equally divided by five if you vote for 5 leaders, but if you are voting for only one leader, all your weight will be applied to that vote.
Strategically, this is very simple. If you don’t want me to be an elected leader anymore, you just have to vote for the leader at the 16th place and shortly, I will be out of the elected leader list. If you vote for any other leaders above me, that will have no effect on me.
Before voting for any leaders, please try to talk with him or her and ask them what they are doing on D-Tube. What they have done or planning to do on the platform is a very important thing you need to know. That will tell you, which leader deserves your vote.
Also keep in mind that usually, those who are between the 1st and 5th do not need your support that much. Their wallet is already huge and they almost rely on themself.
Keep an eye on the leaders list every week, think about what you want for your D-tube, and vote accordingly to your best interest. Go ahead! Try it! and see the impact you can have on D-Tube.
You can vote here
Good Luck!